Board Performance Assessment
Board plays the most crucial role in the governance and performance of your company. This is at least how it should be for sustainability of any company.
But first you have to be honest and establish independently : Is your board a “real” board or a “formality” board ?
Most family owned companies do what is the minimum for a board miss most of the crucial contributions from their Board.
Here I help you assess the real value of your existing Board and advise the improvements to increase its performance effectiveness in all aspects, be it the composition, planning, agenda setting, meeting dynamics management, leadership, …
According to research it is next to impossible to do a self-assessment in a truthful way. Here, using a time tested methodology based on over 30 years of experience with boards and research, I lead the board in an anonymous and non – invasive way to get a real assessment of its current strengths and improvement needs. This helps the Chair immensely to take a fresh look at her/his board